Wound Care

Our Wound Care Portfolio Includes Skin Graft Substitutes and Membranes

Our solutions include single and dual layered amnion based solutions as well as synthetics and more. Our solutions can be used in the clinic, operating room, office, home health, Assisted Living and more.

Single Layered Skin Substitutes

Our single Layered grafts are dehydrated amniotic membranes with complete BioECM preserved by the HydraTek process retaining native placental components. The grafts are thin, fast acting, versatile, micro-textured for ideal adherence and can be stored at room temperature. Membranes come in various sizes and are stored at ambient temperature with a 5 year shelf life.

Dual Layered Skin Substitutes

Our Dual Layered grafts are all amnion that is minimally manipulated preserving the properties exhibited in its natural state. These grafts are full of growth factors, cytokines, and have anti-inflammatory properties known to be critical in wound healing. Our grafts come in various sizes and are stored at ambient temperature with a 5 year shelf life.

SUPRA SDRM Synthetic Skin Substitutes

Our Innovative synthetic is a low cost high bucket solution that is great for Wound Care Clinics. SUPRA SDRM is a biodegradable, guided wound closure matrix for the management of chronic and difficult to heal wounds. SUPRA SDRM combines benefits of the microporous structure known from SUPRATHEL that builds a protective barrier allowing the wound to heal with additional large pores to enable ingrowth of blood vessels. SUPRA SDRM is fully synthetic and therefore poses no risk of transmitting diseases or causing immunological reactions. With its unique structure, safe elements, and beneficial components, the matrix is 100% biodegradable – it is completely metabolized to H2O and CO2.


The MolecuLight Wound Imaging Devices allow clinicians to quickly, safely, and easily visualize bacteria and measure wounds at the point of care, so they have maximum insights for accurate treatment selection and accelerated healing. There is a reimbursement pathway for the procedure “fluorescence wound imaging for bacterial presence, location, and load”1,2. The MolecuLight i:X® and MolecuLightDX™ are the only fluorescence imaging devices that enables this procedure.


NATROX® O₂ is topical Oxygen therapy directly to the wound. Patients with a chronic wound have a 71% greater chance of healing using NATROX® O2 topical oxygen therapy than with standard of care alone. NATROX® O₂ is a medical device that uses the natural properties of oxygen to stimulate healing in previously non-healing wounds. It is non-invasive, comfortable, portable, and highly effective.


Derm-Maxx™ Dermal Matrix is an acellular human dermis graft sterilized using the Tutoplast® Tissue Sterilization Process. This proprietary process retains the three dimensional intertwined multidirectional fibers and mechanical properties of the native tissue. Derm-Maxx™ Dermal Matrix provides a natural scaffold to support the body’s regenerative processes. Derm-Maxx™ Dermal Matrix produces a biocompatible intact porous
scaffold to support cellular proliferation and revascularization. The Tutoplast Process preserves the key components of the native matrix that support the body’s regenerative processes.

Our Medicaid covered Membrane

AmnioBand® Membrane is a minimally processed human allograft which retains the structural properties of the extracellular matrix. The resulting dehydrated allograft serves as a wound covering. MTF Biologics' proprietary aseptic processing method maintains the inherent growth factors and matrix proteins native to the tissue; all of which are known in literature for their roles within the natural closure of wounds. Ready, right out of the package and can be used in the hydrated or dehydrated state. Available in multiple sizes with 3 shelf life at ambient temperature.

Our Single Application Solution is Excellent with Burns

SUPRATHEL® is a single application product. SUPRATHEL® is a thin, microporous, synthetic membrane that adapts to the surface of the wound and adheres on contact. This synthetic Polylactic acid coppolymer is an absorbable, one-time application membrane and alloplastic skin substitute for the treatment of wounds, splitskin donor sites, and especially burns. SUPRATHEL® is well-proven technology with over 180,000 applications and is a Market leader in key European markets.

Non-Adherent Wound Dressing

Coming Soon! SUPRA NET® is specifically designed as a simple, comfortable, atraumatic wound contact layer. This material provides an optimal environment to facilitate rapid wound healing with a non-adherent surface for maximum patient comfort over a wide range of wounds and skin types. This hypoallergenic silicone-based material will readily conform to the wound surface and will gently adhere to the surrounding intact skin surface. SUPRA NET® provides good exudate management and handling characteristics. The dressing does not stick to the wound bed thereby minimizing pain during dressing changes while supporting the overall wound healing process.

PelashieldAM Synthetic Antimicrobial Burn Solution

PelashieldAM is a synthetic antimicrobial and biocompatible matrix for the management of burns. PelashieldAMTM contains precise levels of ionic and metallic silver to prevent and minimize microbial growth within the matrix. It provides sustained antimicrobial activity for up to 3 days and is 99.99% effective against microbes most frequently isolated in wound infections, including antibiotic resistant VRE and MRSA. The ultrathin form factor of PelashieldAM allows the matrix to conform to the burn wound tissue and provide a moist healing environment conducive to tissue growth.

Surgaflex Synthetic Antimicrobial Surgical Wound Solution

Surgaflex™ is a fully synthetic, ultrathin film matrix composed of polyvinyl alcohol with a surface coating containing ionic and metallic silver designed for use in the acute and surgical setting. Surgaflex™ absorbs wound fluid and contours to underlying wound bed with a powerful and broad-spectrum antimicrobial benefit without cytotoxicity. The polymeric matrix provides a moist healing environment that is conducive to wound healing. Surgaflex™ contains antimicrobial silver. Ionic and metallic silver. This addition of ionic and metallic silver provides rapid, effective, and sustained antimicrobial activity.

Microlyte Matrix

Microlyte® Matrix is a uniquely one-of-a-kind antimicrobial synthetic polymeric matrix used in the management of wounds. The fully synthetic multi-layer sheet supplies a functional and biocompatible matrix that absorbs moisture to maintain moist healing environment, while the ultra-low amounts of metallic and ionic silver provides broad spectrum antimicrobial benefit and prevents microbial colonization in the matrix. As Microlyte® Matrix is placed onto the wound it transforms and contours to the underlying wound bed and contains a powerful and broad-spectrum antimicrobial benefit without cytotoxicity and maintains a physiologically moist microenvironment.